Sometimes we hear a lot of news that is not good news. We can easily get discouraged from hearing so much bad news and reading negative headlines.
When the war broke out in Ukraine, I read a story of a Ukrainian woman who lived in the United States. She was sad and distraught about the war in her country. She wondered, “How can I do something constructive?” So she decided to make Ukrainian food to sell and send the money to help the people in Ukraine. She did just that. That’s the spirit. She wrote her own headline.
A good antidote for bad news is to do something good and “Write your own headlines” daily. Headlines are in the daily newspaper. Why not have your own daily headlines?
As we start our day we can ask the Lord, “Show me where my love is needed today.” Then be alert, because I can assure you, he will show you. Most often, it is in your own home. As you show that love, headlines are being made.
They can be quite small as showing your little daughter how to tie her shoes. There you go you made a headline.

“Five year-old Girl Learned to Tie her Shoes Today.”
Or this is a nice Headline:
“Johnny Shared His Toys with His Sister Today.”
Way to go, Johnny!
A few other possibilities of headlines could be:
- “Five Children made Sandwiches for the Homeless.”
- “A Family took Food to Elderly Neighbor Today”
- “Neighbors Paint House for Widow.”
- “Tommy Shares his Lunch with Schoolmate who Forgot His.”
- “Dad and Kids Clean up Yards.”
- “Family prayed the Rosary for Sick Child.”
Of course, there could be hundreds more made each day.
In other words, don’t let the headlines get you down. That helps no one. Be creative, show love, and write your own.
Perhaps then at the end of the day, when your family prays together, you could do an Examen together and ask: “What headlines did we each make today?” As we do that, maybe we will become more aware of doing good.
Mother Teresa had some good quotes.
“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time. And always start with the person nearest you.”
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
God bless you,
Mary Ann / Mother Hen
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