We all know there are four seasons – Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.

I remember as a child I did not know the season’s names. I knew them by what we did. It was the season we went swimming or it was the season we wore warmer clothes. There was a time of flowers and a time we raked leaves.
As I grew older I understood just how many seasons physically and spiritually there really are.
There are definitely seasons of life. There is a season of being an infant, a child, and then a teen wondering what I am meant to do and become, followed by adulthood with all its joys and complications.
If you marry, there is usually a season of raising young children, and then raising teens and eventually you have an empty nest, and a whole new season for you and your spouse opens up. And then growing into old age and losing the vibrant strength we once had.
The Church has the Season of Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter Season, and then there is Ordinary time.
But as I spend time in prayer I have noticed other seasons.
I have had seasons of revelation. These are times when I understand new truths that God is showing me and I get so excited to have new insight. I understand something new that I never saw before even though I read that scripture so many times before.
Opposite of that are seasons of dryness in my prayer when I don’t feel anything or understand anything new. It is a desert time. However, it is in these times I am called to persevere in my prayer knowing that Christ is ever so close. He remains somewhat hidden even though he is always there. If I keep going in prayer in these times, I find my relationship with Jesus deepens.
I have seasons where I feel led to write more in my journal and times where I write less if at all.
There are so many seasons for us to live. I know there is a special grace from God in each season no matter if it’s joyous or difficult.
I am reading a book of daily meditations this year written by Catherine Doherty. It is called “Grace in Every Season.” I read it years ago but felt led to read it again since she is my special saint this year. Catherine is so right that there is grace in every season of life.
What is most important, I believe, is that we live each and every season of our life whether it be at home, in Church, and in prayer, the very best we can. Don’t live in the past or future. Live today and live our season with all the love we can give doing what is set before us. The grace will be there for you each and every day. Call on that grace!
Enjoy each day, each season for it is full of grace. His mercies are renewed each morning.
God bless you,
Mary Ann / Mother Hen
Thank you Mary Ann for your testimony and wisdom. God bless you always for being an excellent person, daughter of God šš¼