Did you have anyone in your life as a child that made a difference in your life?
I did!
I had some neighbors next door that were like a second mother and father to me. They played all kinds of games with my sister and me. Some of the games included croquet, Wiffle ball, basketball, bumper pool, badminton, Monopoly, and more. Going over to their house was better than Disneyland!
I had a teacher who took an interest in me and was so kind. She taught me so many wonderful things. She even taught me how to play tennis which I have used at times my whole life.
I had a woman (another neighbor) who helped me (as a teenager) grow spiritually in the Lord. I would say she was a spiritual mother to me. She guided me in the ways of God which are still with me today.
Of course, as an adult, God sent me Fr. Thomas to teach me all kinds of spiritual truths as well as day-to-day skills.
All these people made a difference in my life, and I have had the opportunity to go back and thank each one of them before they passed away. I told them the difference they made in my life and how grateful I am that they took the time to care about me and teach me such wonderful things that I have not forgotten and have used in raising my children.
With Thanksgiving approaching, maybe there are people in your life who helped you in some special ways that you haven’t thanked. If they are still alive, go thank them or write them a note. If they have passed away, you could still thank them, and thank God for putting them in your life. After all, it was God who sent them to you.
Then pay it forward. What child or person has God sent into your life that you can enrich? What gifts can you share with them?
Go make a difference!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mary Ann / Mother Hen
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