In December of 2017 Pope Francis spoke these words:
“There are many enemies of the harmony. One of the deadliest and most common enemies is gossip. Speaking badly of someone behind his or her back creates distrust,” he said. “It’s a terrorism, destroying everything. When the temptation to gossip arises,” the Pope said, “Bite your tongue. You might harm your tongue, but you won’t harm your brother or sister.”
These words of our Holy Father are quite strong against gossip. In the last part especially, he points out that it would be better to hurt your own tongue than to harm your brother or sister.
The Bible tells us that the tongue is the hardest thing to get control of. I think we can all attest to that. That tongue in our mouths can kill a person’s reputation in no time flat, it can destroy a community and friendships, it can hurt marital relationships, and the list goes on and on. There is so much power in the tongue for good or for evil.
Once the poison is out…it’s out. Once the toothpaste is squeezed out of the tube, it is very difficult to get it back in. Once it is said, it is said.
Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.” Psalm 141:3
How wonderful it would be if we would seriously pray that verse and think before we speak.
I have been guilty of this sin too many times, and I regret it. I am learning to chomp down on my tongue a whole lot more.
I have seen the extreme harm gossip has done to families and community through the years. It’s deadly and serious and a big enemy of harmony and peace. As Pope Francis says, “It’s a terrorism, destroying everything.”
How terrible, also, when our children hear us gossip about others, or speak venom to our spouses or about our spouses. Not only do they hear the evils of the gossip, but they are learning it is acceptable to talk negatively about others.
Let’s turn it around and do the opposite and speak uplifting words of one another. Look for the good in the other person. Kindness consists in speaking well of one another. This would transform families, the church, communities, schools, your workplace, etc……
“If anyone thinks of himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless.” James 1:26
It’s that serious.
Mother Hen/Mary Ann
Phyllis LaPlant says
I love this Mary Ann, I needed to be reminded of this. I have a sign posted in my stables that reads, “This is a gossip free barn”. It is really hard to follow sometimes when you have so many people working, training, and giving lessons. There seems to sometimes be a feeling of competition for ownership or self value. I will be going back to praying more in my barn and ask Father Thomas to help intercede for unity, peace, tranquility, and harmony in the barn. Love you so much,